Living Your True-Nature Essentials

A virtual program for creating a life you love 









An Roadmap to Personal Freedom and Empowerment

It's easy to fall into fear, self-doubt and not trusting yourself - especially when wanting to live authentically.  

The unconscious, survival hardwiring to succeed and belong, plus outer social pressures, can lead to feeling "never enough" and endless stressful thoughts on loop.  

It doesn't help that there's a lack of mentors or foundational guidance for how to know, love and trust yourself.   

If you’re a woman who wants to...

  • create and live an intentional life of authenticity, empowerment and fulfillment 
  • know and be yourself, spend time doing what you love and feel confident in your choices
  • have relationships that nurture and bring out the best in you - and know how to create them 
  • have an ability to receive and draw boundaries in such a way that creates connection rather than resentment
  • be the creator of your life instead of following society's playbook 
  • have freedom from "compare and despair" and social media pressure
  • be empowered on your own path

this program is for you. 

Living Your True-Nature Essentials
Schedule and Curriculum 

SESSION ONE: Cultivating Peace
The tools and practices for cultivating peace and stillness are an essential foundation for living in alignment with your true self.  The better we become at cultivating peace, the more access we have to our inner-compass and powerful intuition.  We'll explore daily self-care practices as well as ways to return to peace in a moment of stress - giving you access to choice over reaction.  

SESSION TWO: Levels of Perspective and Shifts in Consciousness
Learn a whole new perspective to bring to thoughts and beliefs; shifting from fear-based reactions to thoughts that bring gratitude, fulfillment, connection and the knowing you are the creator of your life. So much of our suffering comes from the social-self ego weaving stories that aren’t true.  You'll also learn a way to experience emotions rather than resist them, awaken to the gifts of resentment and other seemingly bad emotions and gain tools for liberating your mind from the trap of negative thoughts "on loop."   

SESSION THREE:  Strengthening and Tuning into your Intuition and Inner-compass 
Learn how to tune into your inner-compass from moment to moment for guidance and discover how your body's feedback leads the way to a magic carpet ride.  These tools create a shift from outer-authority, constantly questioning yourself and doing what you think you should to developing inner-authority and a deep trust in your own intuition; a practice that changes the trajectory of your life.  

SESSION FOUR: Cycles of Change
Many cultures, especially western, tend to look at change within a linear model and timeline.  Comparing yourself to others or where you think you should be can leave you feeling behind, failing in some way, toning yourself down when you're "ahead" and ultimately in a constant cycle of striving and producing.  You'll explore your own natural cycles - allowing for freedom, clarity and being in the natural, abundant flow of life.  

BONUS SESSION with Intuitive Sarah Keene 
Optional session if you'd like to learn the basics of clearing energy and working with your spirit guides. 

SESSION FIVE:  Navigating Fear
As your authentic self takes the lead, the social self part of us can stir up some serious resistance.  You'll have tools to navigate the different types of fear and move from it holding you back to being a companion.  

SESSION SIX: Boundaries and Receiving
Maybe boundaries are just speaking what is true for you.  In this class you'll explore and develop a perspective that will allow you to see your needs vs. someone else’s and have effective ways to communicate your boundaries in partnership with others. We'll also explore the foundation of romantic relationships; understanding the difference between chemistry and long term attraction and gaining clarity on your essential needs.

EXERCISES: Being in the Lab
Each session will include exercises and ways to engage in the material to illuminate patterns and create new, essential practices for living in alignment with your true self.    

RESOURCE LIBRARY:  Recordings and Worksheets  
All live calls will be stored in your Shine Life Design library with accompanying worksheets for easy participation and continual reference.

If you're here, you want more than the status quo 

We're in the midst of a great shift in consciousness - a turning of the tides - and women like you are asking new questions,  
"How do I live with love and acceptance of myself and others?"
"How do I be at peace, authentic and live in the present moment?"
"What do I really want in life?" 

While I don't have your answers, I have a roadmap for you to discover your own.  

If you're ready to live from freedom, alignment and vision, Join me for...

Living your True Nature Essentials
A virtual program for creating a life you love

"Before participating in Jaime's program, I had a fear, scarcity-based mindset.  I learned new ways of thinking and being that moved me out of what I thought I should do, into what is in alignment with me.  With this investment in myself, I was able to grow out of living an unintentional life and into truly living my dream life.  A life that is full of light, harmony, love and consideration."  Caroline Newby 

"After having just sold our business, Jaime’s program was the best investment in manifesting my next chapter in life. My life before working with Jaime was extremely productive and by many accounts, successful. Now,  it's much more soulful or soul-fueled, enjoyable, and satisfying."  Jane Perkins

Register today for only $397
Or 6 payments of $67


Jaime Myers

As a heart-centered leader and gentle disrupter, my greatest joy is engaging in experiences and inquiry that free the spirit and give new life to the soul.  

I've been where you are; wanting to follow my own heart, design my own life and looking for a pathway there.  

At age 21, I made a bold decision to invest in my first transformational program and I've spent the last 30 years deeply engaged in this arena  - as a student and as a personal development coach, leadership trainer, workshop and retreat leader and program designer for leading organizations committed to a better world as well as for my own business. 

I founded Shine Life Design, LLC in 2013 with a vision of women being empowered to honor themselves, discover and align with their personal truth and lead fulfilling, soul-fueled lives.  I offer highly-curated retreats, online programs, life design mentorship and horse-assisted coaching.

I feel most at home and inspired in the mountains and reside in Utah with my husband, Seth, and our two teenage sons.  We enjoy learning in life together - honoring the sovereign, infinitely imaginative being in each of us.



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